St Albans Sanatorium

Is This One Of The Most Haunted Buildings In Virginia?

While traveling for work, I spent a night in Radford, Virginia. As is the case when I’m someplace new, I immediately looked for any haunted buildings nearby. Usually I don’t find anything so imagine my surprise when I found St. Albans Sanatorium, noted by some to be, one of the most haunted buildings in the state.

I quickly checked their calendar hoping there would be a paranormal investigation happening. Although, I was highly doubtful because I was there on a Wednesday. Most investigations are reserved for weekends.The investigation may have been a no-go, but they were offering a self-guided “photography” tour on Thursday morning that I could attend. Instant buy. Take my money.


The next morning I arrived at St Albans and spent way too much time trying to figure out where to park. The building is located on the same grounds as a medical facility. There was lots of parking for the doctor’s office, but nothing indicated parking for St. Albans, that I ever found anyways. Calling it quits, I ended up parking alongside the building as much out of the roadway as possible and that seemed to work.

When you arrive, you’ll go down a few steps and enter through the back door. There, you’ll sign in, get a very brief orientation, be led through a dark and a dimly lit stairwell and sent off on your own. I was a solo act for this tour, but there were three college age girls in the building for most of the time that I was there. We crossed paths a couple times but for the most part I just wandered. The building is huge.

In the fall it transforms into a theatrical haunted house and the props are stored in various rooms throughout the building. I was pretty startled a couple times glancing into a room thinking someone was in there and it just ended up being a prop. I peeked around one doorway and saw this (see image below). I think my soul momentarily left my body.

St Albans Sanatorium Halloween Prop

After I realized I didn’t have to run for my life I continued to explore and became very cautious when looking into rooms. The building is in need of millions of dollars of repairs to restore it, but it was so cool to wander around on my own and check it out.

I probably spent around an hour-ish walking around. I did have my ghost meter out for some of the time, but for the most part I’m a big fan of using my senses to detect any anomalies. I’m kind sad to report that nothing unusual happened while I was there.

Related: YouTube Short video about St. Albans Sanatorium

The only part of the building I didn’t really investigate was the basement and that’s because it was pitch black and I didn’t have my flashlight. I was less scared of bumping into something paranormal and more terrified of bumping into critters (shudder).

Creepy Stairwell, St Albans Sanatorium Radoford VA

That being said, I’d love to return one day for an evening paranormal investigation. I’ve no doubt that the building is probably very active, and I’d love to experience that.

I looked for history on the building and why it might be considered haunted. I found historical information on the State of Virginia Department of Historic Resources website. I did find an article on The Moonlit Road that seemed pretty legit and provided more of the “why” behind the hauntings. I’ll leave you to decide if it may be haunted or not. I think a visit will definitely help give some perspective on the subject.

Check the St. Albans Sanatorium upcoming events page for dates and times for both day and night tours.

Want more haunted buildings?

Be sure to check out these places:

Octagon Mansion in Wytheville, VA <<–CRAZY experience at this location

The 1886 Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR <<–This was another hard to believe experience

Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia

McRaven Home in Vicksburg, MS

Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, OH

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