The Truth Is Out There – Searching For UFOs in Roswell
I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of UFOs. I remember as a child my mom taking me outside late at night to stargaze.
I have a few memories of lights moving across the sky in weird and random patterns that mom couldn’t explain.
I wouldn’t realize until much later in life that Mom was paraphrasing Shakespear to me when she would tell me “there are more things in heaven and earth then we’ll ever understand.”
Those childhood interactions launched a lifelong interest in things beyond our understanding which, eventually, led me to look for UFOs in Roswell.
Driving through New Mexico it’s easy to see why UFO enthusiasts make the trip to this somewhat remote location.
The surrounding land reminds me of photos from Mars, endless miles of nothing but dirt and scrub grass for as far as the eye can see.
Yet, within that endless landscape, there are hills and valleys that might just make it easy for spacecraft to hide. <<—something to think about
Driving from Phoenix, AZ across the barren landscape lets your mind wander and conjure up all kinds of fantastic stories.
Lord knows you have plenty of time to think about the unknown on a road trip across New Mexico 🙂
This, however, is part of the adventure of looking for UFOs in Roswell. I know I kept my eyes on the sky and on the landscape as much as possible looking for anything strange or unexplained.

Arriving in Roswell there are signs around town that the community embraces their UFO history.
From storefronts with cartoonish aliens to a variety of alien-inspired attractions and museums.
There is even a tour that will take you around to all the “hot spots” and give you an in-depth history of the alleged UFO crash. Just a tip: book your tour well in advance as dates fill quickly.
I believe something happened that fateful night in 1947.
I lean towards an epic cover-up by the U.S. Government, but I don’t think any of us will ever know the true story.
I think it’s safe to say Roswell is the perfect launching point for UFO stories and the search for truth.

According to the MuFon website, which tracks live UFO reporting, New Mexico continues to be a hot spot for UFO sightings and zooming in on the map to focus on Roswell show considerable activity.
The bottom line is that people are seeing something. Is it aircraft from another planet or Universe? Could they be interdimensional?
Maybe, just maybe, they are from the future. Let that think in a moment. That theory never crossed my mind until I listened to a podcast about it and then, let’s just say, MIND BLOWN!
Maybe, and here’s a thought, just maybe they are top secret military aircraft created by either the U.S. government or foreign military.
We can go even more outside the box thinking and say they might be from “inner earth”.
If there is a theory you can think of someone has probably thought of it before.
The good thing is that Roswell, NM has the largest public UFO research library in the world and that is where the search for truth should begin.
The International UFO Museum and Research Center have been helping answer questions since the early 1990s.
Located in downtown Roswell the museum offers information about the Roswell Incident and other UFO phenomena through approximately 25 exhibits of photographs and written documentation.
Beyond UFOs, Things To Do in Roswell, NM
The museum is very well done and is under a multi-year, multi-million dollar upgrade project to make it even better.
Their mission is to educate the general public on all aspects of the UFO phenomena and maintain its position on the serious side of the UFO phenomena.
Although, they do have a wee bit of tongue in cheek side as well.
While the museum itself receives about 200,000 visitors per year the research center sees only a small portion of that.
Not all answers can be found online. Some require digging through boxes of papers and books to find what you need.
In that regard, the research center is home to over 7,000 books, 30,000 magazines, periodicals, and binders filled with unclassified materials and 1,500+ UFO related DVDs.
The library continues to grow it’s resources since donations are a regular occurrence.
There’s a very good chance that the thousands of pieces in the library will hold the answer you seek even if that answer is “unknown.”
The resources at the research center must be used in-house, but the knowledgeable staff can usually get you pointed in the right direction.

Every summer thousands of people descend on the UFO Capital of the World for the UFO Festival.
Both skeptics and enthusiasts flood the streets to celebrate, discuss and contemplate one of the most debated stories in American history.
The three-day event features guest speakers, authors, live entertainment, a pet costume contest, parade, family-friendly activities and more.
In 2017, Josh Gates, whom I appreciate for his humor and antics, showed up for the fun as well as the Cooking Channel’s Carnival Eats.
Who knows who will show next year, that’s part of the fun, right? Wondering who you might bump into?
Besides fun and games, UFO researchers attend the festival to listen to guest speakers, chat and debate with those in the know and maybe get a little closer to finding the truth.
Previous talks have included “Alien Fetal Implantation Demonstration Model”, “Anatomy of a UFO Abduction Experience”, “Evidence of the UFO Cover-Up by Government Agencies”, to “Astronomy and Ufology” by none other than Stanton Friedman (may he rest in peace).
Each year the line up of speakers is impressive and the topics are timely and informative.
I’m not sure how much the abandoned silos around Roswell play into a search for the truth, but I find it interesting that they exist in an area rife with UFO activity.
It’s important to note that these silos were built many years after the Roswell crash, but anything government related and located underground is worth a second look, in my opinion.
Researching more into these silos I discovered there are 12 silos, now abandoned, that surround the town. You may see a small cement building off in the distance if you look close enough, but that’s about it.
That “building” you see is really the entrance to a stairway that takes you underground and eventually leads to the said missile launch silo.
Note that of these 12 abandoned sites one is located a short 3/4 miles north of the alleged Alien Crash Site, right around mile marker 133.
I didn’t have time to search out any silos while I was visiting. I believe most are on private land and may take some asking around to find a local willing to let you on their property.
Even without a UFO/Alien connection, the silos would be interesting to investigate in more depth.
Although I left Roswell with no concrete evidence about the existence of UFOs and/or alien life my search for the truth will continue.
I’ll keep my eyes towards the skies (which so many people don’t do anymore) and my ears open.
I’ll continue to listen to the experts as well as the skeptics. I believe somewhere in the middle we might just find the answers.
There are a number of podcasts I listen to that cover a plethora of topics including UFOs.
Visiting Roswell? The good people at the visitor bureaus are happy to help answer questions. Check them out at